Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hello Again...It's been a long time. :)

Wow, it has been over a year since I have made a post. Looking back at my prior entries, I remember how overwhelmed and cautious I felt. I wondered, "How do I move forward?" and I felt the pressure big time. All of this 'pressure' of course, was self inflicted. Either way, you live and learn. And, just like my mother commented on one of my prior posts, "Just take one day at a time and trust." And, of course, like most mothers are, she was exactly right. The more overwhelmed I was about my future, the more stagnant I became. Throughout this past year and a few months, so much has happened that I will not bore you with, but, you might wonder, have I figured out my "life plan" yet, like I so desperately wanted? Absolutely not. What I have figured out, however, I'm sure most of you already knew. There is no "life plan". And by that, I do not mean to not set goals or aspirations, on the contrary, I just mean, the more I tried to "plan out" my life, the more the Lord showed me that that just wasn't going to work. HE has a plan, yes. Does he want me to know that plan before it happens, in detail, with bar graphs, and time lines, and photographs of my future family tree? Nope.
I know this is a simple truth, that one wouldn't think would take long to understand. BUT, along with being a dreamer and a planner (a paradox in and of itself), I am also a stubborn son-of-a-gun. And the Lord is merciful enough to not give up on me. It has taken a series of events, both good and bad, to cause me to finally start letting go. To realize this house-of-cards I have been feverishly building for myself is exactly that. Fragile, easy to topple, and a feeble comparison to the master Architect's blueprint for my life. I am finally starting to get this lesson through my thick head. This was a painful lesson to learn at first. Very painful in fact. But it seems like the really important ones usually are.